Providing Clarity for Customer Confidence

Providing Clarity for Customer Confidence

Providing Clarity for Customer Confidence

Postal Petals wanted to elevated their website experience for new and returning customers, but, what they didn’t realize, is that customers weren't making purchases because they didn’t understand the products.

Postal Petals wanted to elevated their website experience for new and returning customers, but, what they didn’t realize, is that customers weren't making purchases because they didn’t understand the products.

Postal Petals wanted to elevated their website experience for new and returning customers, but, what they didn’t realize, is that customers weren't making purchases because they didn’t understand the products.

Postal Petals sought enhanced user engagement to boost their product revenue.

Postal Petals sought enhanced user engagement to boost their product revenue.

Postal Petals sought enhanced user engagement to boost their product revenue.

When the generative research identified that user confusion and untrustworthiness of the website and products were causing cart abandonment, the design team implemented a revised site map and several design updates across the website to highlight accurate product imagery and descriptions. The final usability testing showed a decrease in user confusion as well as an increase in user delight and product credibility.

When the generative research identified that user confusion and untrustworthiness of the website and products were causing cart abandonment, the design team implemented a revised site map and several design updates across the website to highlight accurate product imagery and descriptions. The final usability testing showed a decrease in user confusion as well as an increase in user delight and product credibility.

When the generative research identified that user confusion and untrustworthiness of the website and products were causing cart abandonment, the design team implemented a revised site map and several design updates across the website to highlight accurate product imagery and descriptions. The final usability testing showed a decrease in user confusion as well as an increase in user delight and product credibility.


  • Postal Petals

  • Client Project

  • UX Audit and Desktop Redesign


  • Research

  • Synthesis

  • Design

  • Testing


  • My Role - UX Researcher & Experience Strategist

  • Team Members - UX, UI, & Interaction Designer


  • 2023

  • 2-week research & 4-week design sprint

  • 2023

  • 2-week research & 4-week design

So, Who is Postal Petals?

So, Who is
Postal Petals?

Postal Petals is a Black, woman-owned wellness startup that promotes self-care, mindfulness, and creative expression through the arranging of farm fresh, high-quality flowers.

Postal Petals was seeking guidance on how to improve the user experience of their website for both new and returning customers in order to increase product sales. Their only constraints were that they wanted to maintain their brand colors, logo, and identity.

Consistency & Aesthetics Concerns

Consistency & Aesthetics Concerns

My team performed a heuristic evaluation of the original website and we identified several main areas of concern.

Consistency & Standards

1) Lack of margins and layout grid

2) Similar, but inconsistent, HEX codes

3) No established typographic hierarchy

Recognition Over Recall

4) Confusing, unclear navigation items

Aesthetic Design

5) Busy, difficult to read logo

6) Unbalanced color palette

7) Large, pixilated images

Research Finds User Confusion & Distrust

Research Finds User Confusion & Distrust

As the UX Researcher for this project, I developed the research plan and lead the research efforts to survey and interview new and returning Postal Petals customers in order to:

1)     Identify the self-care and wellness habits associated with the purchasing and arranging of flowers.

2)     Isolate areas of delight and pain points across the original website.

The generative research revealed that the confusing navigation and product descriptions alongside the lack of visual cohesion were causing distrust and purchase abandonment. Customers identified that they needed clarity throughout their experience to make confident purchases, book workshops, and take advantage of Postal Petals unique educational offerings.

Synthesis & Design Goals

Analysis &
Design Goals

After analyzing and synthesizing the data collected during the generative research, it became clear that the design team needed to:

  • Improve the customer understanding of products: What is the product, how do you use it, how will it benefit or be desirable to customers

  • Improve the customer journey experience: Design for enjoyment, trustworthiness, intuitiveness, and ease of navigation

My main objective was to ensure that issues identified in the generative research were addressed across the site. This included problem-solving and developing potential solutions followed by overseeing that their implementation by the UI team. Since the Product Page was identified as a major source of confusion on the website, I worked directly on the page design to provide graphic and content clarity. I also created several hero images for the homepage to assist in providing quick, concise education about the products and company as soon as new and returning customers entered the site.

Clear product pricing

based on box size and

subscription plan


Photos that show the

specific flowers

included in the floral

recipe with size

references as well as


the product looks like

directly out of the box

Detailed information

about the types and

number of flowers, care,

and delivery

Information and

recommendations to

elevate the self-care

experience of floral


Flower sourcing

Hero images that

highlight and inform

the customer on

identified areas of


Flowers in season on
the What’s Blooming

Petal Riot Workshops

Information on how to
care for and arrange
your flowers when you
receive them



Participants in the usability testing reported the following:

  • The site is intuitive and easy to navigate.

  • The colors, layout, and photos on the site are visually appealing.

  • Return users found the site to feel happy, fun, and uplifting.

  • Return users reported that their understanding of the products, as well as the flow and navigation of the site, had improved.

Outcomes & Results

Outcomes &

When we identified that the Postal Petals website was causing purchase abandonment due to the confusing navigation and product listings, alongside the unbalanced fonts and colors, use of pop-up ads, and an outdated event calendar, we embarked on a mission to increase product and website clarity. We were able to simplify the navigation bar options, increase visual and written information about the products and services across the site, institute a style guide with set color and text hierarchy guidelines, eliminate pop-up adds, and improve the event calendar for accurate dates and times. Usability testing showed a decrease in user confusion and an increase in user delight.

However, we also identified that some participants continued to have trouble identifying where to access the What’s Blooming and Petal Riot Workshop, did not get a clear sense of flower arranging as a self-care, and felt that the brand awareness could be improved throughout the site. For our next steps, we would like to increase user engagement with the Care and Education and Petal Riot Workshop areas of the website by enhancing visuals and educational content alongside increasing use of the brand name and logo across the site. It is our goal to further increase product sales and site engagement by improving these areas.

This project was a great lesson in the power of teamwork and iteration. Each brainstorming and design studio session yielded greater innovation and creativity while each iteration brought us a step closer to maximizing our design goals. 


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Other works


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